A $500 prize will be awarded to the nonprofit that, using hashtag #NTXGivingDay, is able to secure the most re-tweets on a single tweet sent out between Monday, Sept. 15 and Thursday, Sept. 18.
Please follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/FRIcommunity and look for our tweet "RT if you believe that you can be a part of social change in your community! #NTXGivingDay #fri50at50" Then, please retweet the heck out of it to help us win that $500 prize!!!
(We'll send that tweet at 9:55am on Monday, Sept 15. We're counting on you to find it in our feed and retweet it.) Oh! And it wouldn't hurt if you'd be so kind as to share this post on Facebook to help us spread the word. Thank you for helping us create a better quality of life for all in far east Dallas!
Ferguson Rd Inttv (FRIcommunity) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Ferguson Rd Inttv (@FRIcommunity). Revitalizing the neighborhoods of White Rock Hills and Greater Casa View in far east Dallas. Dallas, TX