Far East Dallas PID

PID Introduction

With the support of our City Councilmembers, the Ferguson Road Initiative (FRI) has begun the process to become a Public Improvement District (PID) and we need your support! By becoming a PID we have an opportunity to significantly build upon the safety and beautification efforts that FRI began in 1998. The PID will provide a reliable long-term funding source to support FRI’s advocacy efforts on behalf of the community.
— Ferguson Road Initiative Board of Directors

View the PID presentation as a PDF:

What is a PID?

A PID is a Public Improvement District created by the City of Dallas at the request of property owners in a specified area who petition the City to levy a supplemental assessment (not a tax) on real property that is paid with the property owners annual tax bill. These assessments funds are returned to the community to provide special supplemental services that are above and beyond existing City services.

General Information

  • Working with Dallas Office of Economic Development, PIDs establish an assessment percentage and a Service Plan/Budget with categories based on customized needs and goals
  • Authorized services/improvemenets governed by Chapter 372 of Texas Local Government Code
  • New and renewing Commercial or Mixed Use District PIDs require that owners representing (1) at least 60% of value and 60% of all record owners or 60% of land area support creation or renewing PID
  • Petitions signed electronically or by hand must be verified by City Staff
  • PID assessments are created at a set rate based on total assessed property value
  • Maximum PID assessment in Dallas is $0.15 per $100 valuation
  • Administrative expenses cannot exceed 15% of total annual budget
  • Dallas PID terms vary, but seven (7) years is most common
  • Each PID is operated by a designated 501(c)3 nonprofit organization (FRI is the management entity for proposed Far East Dallas PID)
    a. Board must include a minimum of five property owners
    b. Reports quarterly on activities/expenditures
    c. Required annual independent audit
    d. Required to hold an Annual Public Meeting open to all property owners

Authorized Improvements in a PID

Public Improvements

  • Landscaping
  • Distinctive lighting and signs
  • Sidewalks, streets, other roadways
  • Water, wastewater, or drainage facilities
  • Libraries
  • Off-street parking facilities
  • Mass transportation facilities
  • Real property acquisitions
  • Pedestrian malls
  • Parks
  • Fountains
  • Articles of Art

Special Supplemental Services

  • Public safety, law enforcement, and security
  • Community and Educational Events
  • Cultural enhancements
  • Health and sanitation
  • Business recruitment
  • Development
  • Recreation
  • Advertising
  • Promotion
  • Bike lanes

City of Dallas

  • 13 PIDs established in City of Dallas between 1992 and 2017
  • Average PID assessment is .11 cents