Crime and Public Safety

Dallas Police Department Crime & Safety Resource Links

The Ferguson Road Initiative and Dallas Police Department encourage you to use the following Resource weblinks to better equip you in reporting crime and keeping the community you live in safe. By working together we can improve Far East Dallas.

Sgt. Sammie Robinson & Neighborhood Policing Officers (NPO) Team:

PO Theron Akin 214-557-3873
PO Dung Nguyen 469-610-6127
PO Gabriel Ortiz 214-681-0641
PO Bobby Jones 469-601-9419
Sergeant Sammie Robinson 214-670-4762


Understanding Your Beat/Reporting Area:

Reporting Crime:

Registering Your Property Camera:

Understanding CPTED:

City of Dallas Crime Reporting Statistics

Click on the blue titles and links below to open the resources in a separate tab or window.

Dallas Police Dept. Operational Dashboard Homepage         

  • Data rich categories broken up by City Council Districts, offence categories and other statistical groups

Interactive Crime Map

  • Crime information geographically displayed on the map
  • Search for desired area / street, then apply filter by offence category

Weekly Beat Report

  • A weekly report by Beat with 28-day comparisons by Police Beats.  Numbers based on the date of occurrence.

Address Search

  • Search an address to lookup a Police Beat or Reporting Area (for instance, Forest Hills is Beat # 236)

City Council Weekly Crime Report

  • A weekly and end of month Council District report, which is comprised of year-to-date and monthly comparisons of NIBRS crimes occurring within the specified date span citywide, and broken down for the fourteen Council Districts. The reports include all NIBRS crime and  categories of Crimes Against Person, Property and Society.

New Call, Crime, and Arrest Dashboard

  • Organized by area of the City, provides the latest Response Time, Crime, Arrest, Gun Crime Stats along with 8 week crime trends.

Dallas Crime Analytics Overview

Other information available directly from DPD via

Neighborhood police resources are available to help explain the data or respond to other queries.