by Maria Valenzuela | Jul 20, 2014 | News
The Texas Heat is Here! Does someone you know meet this criteria? The individual’s current residence does not have a functioning air-conditioner, and in your view they do not have the financial resources to buy one themselves. However, they would have available...
by Maria Valenzuela | May 27, 2014 | Events, News
On May 16th the Ferguson Road Initiative was proud to welcome Heroes House to our community located in the White Rock Hills area. A robust crowd of veterans, community leaders and residents gathered to celebrate the refurbished development at 2122 Highland Road. The...
by Maria Valenzuela | May 27, 2014 | News
FRI is indebted to our Founder’s Circle Members. Without the support of our Founder’s Circle and Community Connection members our work would be impossible. Ferguson Road Initiative Community Connection Founder’s Circle As of 5/2014 $5,000 a year for 3 years Biomat...
by Maria Valenzuela | May 27, 2014 | News
The City of Dallas recently passed a new city ordinance regarding door to door solicitation. As of January 22, 2014, any individual or company wishing to solicit door to door will be required to obtain a solicitors permit from the City of Dallas. The Solicitation...
by Maria Valenzuela | May 27, 2014 | News
Did you know Dallas has a year round watering restriction? Watering landscaped areas with an automatic sprinkler system or a hose-end sprinkler is restricted to twice per week per the schedule mentioned below. The new Conservation Ordinance requirement for maximum...